Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weekly Email

Hi Mom.

Normal routine for the week :-)

I guess the things most fresh in my mind are...  We went to the Boulder High vs. Fairview football game on Friday night. Boulder got clobbered 38-3.  The big excitement of the night was 4 streakers racing across the field in the 3rd quarter.  Evidently they were Fairview students.  They got caught and were ticket for indecent exposure :-(

On Saturday morning Theresa and I went to a debt elimination seminar.  It was pretty interesting - a christian financial advisor, Bob Marette, taught the class.  His basic premise was to help you get out of debt (including your mortgage) in 3-5 years.  Our number was more like 10 years if we really followed his advice.  It definitely made us think and gave us some ideas to move forward with.

Chloe baby sat on Saturday morning and night.  Megan is starting to get over her soreness from the new braces.  Theresa went up to yarn shops in Ft. Collins with a friend on Friday morning.

We had amazing fall weather this weekend.  I got out for a bike ride and a run.  Watched a little football - CU getting crushed by Oregon, great Tebow comeback with the Broncos today.  I only saw the scores for Missouri and Kansas - not good.

Whew - that's all I know for now and it's late.  So, I'm headed to bed.

Luv u,


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weekly Email

Hi Mom,

Happy Sunday night!  We got your post card yesterday - beautiful.  Hope you are having fun. Good on ya dad for keeping up :-)

We've had our normal routine week :-) BSF, girls night out, music practice/worship team, school, work, etc.

Chloe took the PSAT yesterday. She said the english part was easy and the math/science part was hard. We are working on Physics together for tutoring. I'm having to learn it all over again :-) She did go to the football game for a bit of fun on Friday night.

Megan has been working hard in school. It seems like she has way too much homework. She's been shopping on 29th St. with Clara for her fun.

3 weeks down on the job and it's going well. I got my first paycheck yesterday - that's nice to have in the bank!  Plus healthcare benefits have all kicked in.   Tomorrow Megan goes in for her braces - yikes - $5,400. My new insurance will cover $1,000 of it. That's better than before ($0). I'll get some pics posted of Megan's new HW.

I'm not sure where y'all are at right now or when you get home. Speak to you soon.

Luv u,


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekly Email

Hi Mom,

Time to get back in the swing.  Two weeks on the new job and it's going great!  There is a lot to learn and it will take time but I'm getting there.


I guess we had our first official snow yesterday.  It was more up in the mountains.  We had a cold rainy day all day and I think in the afternoon there may have been some big fluffy snow flakes.  But nothing that stuck down low.

Chloe went out to dinner with friends on Friday night and then went to see Moneyball.  Then she had two baby sitting jobs yesterday - one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Megan went to Anderson Farms for the corn maze and haunted house on Friday night, had a sleep over at Claras and then spent all day Saturday just hanging out with her.  She is on cat duty for our neighbors too while they are out of town.  Theresa and I ran a couple of errands in the morning and then cozied in all day out of the cold wet weather.

Today was a bit nicer but still cool.  I got the yard mowed and leaves picked up.  I also borrowed John's compressor to blow out my sprinkler system. Theresa had to work at the church this morning helping out with baptisms.  Afterward she and Chloe went to the Safeway to pick a few things up.

Tough day for all of our football teams yesterday :-(  I watched a little bit of Nebraska's come back against Ohio State last night.  I've been fast forwarding through the Broncos game today.  

We've watched a few movies the last couple of weeks.  We all went as a family last week to see Dolphin Tale (good) and then we've watched Rio (fun), The Town (average) and Thor (terrible) from Netflix.

I had BSF on Monday - week three in the book of Acts.  Theresa went to girl's night out with Desra on Tuesday.  We were all home on Wednesday night.  We both went to parent teacher conferences on Thursday night at Boulder High to meet with Chloe's teachers.

Well that's all I know for now.

luv u,


Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011