Sunday, May 2, 2010

Weekly Email

Hi Mom,

Whew what a day. Theresa discovered the hot water heater leaking yesterday. We got it all contained and mostly cleaned up. Then today I went to Home Depot and bought a new hot water heater and supplies to install it. $615 and 6 hours later we have hot water again. I was kinda surprised that I actually successfully installed it my self :-) It only took one additional trip back to home depot for missing parts.

Aside from that it's been a pretty good weekend.

Friday night Megan had a sleep over at Clara's and Chloe had a babysitting job from about 6-10pm. So Theresa and I had a date night. We went to dinner at Cantina Laredo. It was decent. A little upscale and pricey. I just like plain old Mexican food - nothing too fancy. Afterwards we went to see Date Night with Steve Carrell and Tina Fey. I really liked it. Again - another surprising Hollywood movie that celebrates marriage. It was a lot of fun.

Saturday morning was running club for me. Theresa and Chloe headed out for a haircut at about noon. And Megan went down to Elitch Gardens for the day.

In the evening Theresa and went to a charity function for Longmont Ending Violence Initiative (LEVI) - a group that works in the community to raise awareness and educate against domestic violence. It was their annual fundraiser and our leadership group from Intrado has been helping them all year. Theresa donated two purses for a silent auction. I think they went for $25 and $35 each. We also bid on and won a restaurant gift basket with vouchers from Buffalo Wild Wings, Outback Steak House, Red Robin and Le Peep (a $105 value we paid $60 for).

Normal church day this morning. And hot water heater repair all afternoon.

Jeff Sherard
303-444-7274 (h)
303-817-2736 (m)

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