Sunday, December 18, 2011

Weekly Email

Hi Mom,
One week to go. I was checking out the weather.... Good news, bad news
- I think the weather will be fine for traveling. But it's not looking
great for skiing. They don't make snow at Powder Mountain and it only
has. 15" base. Snow Basin has about a 37" base. But at least we'll
all be together :-)
We went to the Christmas concert at church tonight Theresa was a part
of the festivities. I'll send you a link to the video.
Now we are sitting here watching "The Help". I checked out all the
other movies you asked about and they are all too new to be on Netflix
or even Redbox.
I watched the Broncos today. Their luck finally ran out :-(. It wasn't
really Tebow's fault. They had too many turnovers and penalties.
Missouri was on too but they were in a blowout over William & Mary so
I didn't watch it.
Yesterday I spent all day in bed sick. A bad head cold snuck up on me
starting Friday afternoon. I think I'm kicking it just in time to head
back to work. But at least I have it out of the way before our trip.
I hope I haven't given it to any one else.
The girls are glad to be out of school. I'm finished with BSF for the
year as well. Theresa and I have to finish up our work week then
Christmas and traveling. Yeah, can't wait.
Well I'm going to sign off for now to pay attention to the help.
Luv u,

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