Sunday, October 14, 2012

Weekly Email

Hi Mom,

Trying to get back into the swing of things.  It's been a weird week.  I worked from home on Thursday and Friday because I think I had a mild flu bug.  Megan was off school on Friday for a teacher in-service day.  She had cheer practice in the morning.  I had to work Friday night from 8pm to 10pm for a maintenance call.  And then I had to work on Saturday from 12N to 8PM for an annual disaster recovery test.  I followed the Alabama vs. Missouri game online.  Not much of a contest (42-10) - boo.  I think I'm ready for basketball season!

Today was church day and chores.  We did a few errands right after church.  To Barnes and Noble for a copy of Pride and Prejudice (and the Cliff Notes to go along with it).  Then to Batteries Plus for a watch Battery.  Car wash after that.  And then a big shop at Safeway.  When we got home I mowed the grass and blew out the sprinkler system.  Theresa pulled up all the vegetable beds.  We've had frost so they were all dead.

We spoke with Chloe last Wednesday for our normal call.  She was doing well.  They found the two girls who ran away on parents weekend.  I think they were in Omaha, NE where one of the girls was from.  I don't think they will be going back to school.  We are making plans to back to Missouri for a neutral site visit Nov. 2nd ahead of a home visit for Thanksgiving.  That's a slight change of plans - we will be here in Boulder for Thanksgiving.

I got your birthday card and money. THANK YOU!  every year it pays to get a year older :-)  The pics from Yosemite were cool.  That Half Dome hike is incredible.  Good job for making it as far as you did.  It reminded me of The Incline - only way longer and way harder!

Well - just getting back in the hang of things so I'll keep it short and sweet.

Luv u,


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