Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekly Email

Hi Mom and Dad,

Well the big news around here is that Megan Sherard made the Boulder High Varsity Cheer Squad!  She was so nervous.  Try outs were all week long, culminating on Friday.  And the results were posted outside the gym at 7:30pm.  We went out for frozen yogurt to celebrate with the Leitz's.  Clara made the team too.  Now the fun starts.  It's a 3-season sport with summer camps, bootcamps, games, etc - and all the expense that goes with it :-)

Everything else is a blur this week.  Normal work, BSF on Monday, music practice on Thursday, worship team and church this morning.

We've had crazy weather this week.  Beautiful sunshine and 70s to start the week.  Then could rainy/snowy to end the week.  We bought some more herbs and plants for the garden planters (in time for the frost :-) ).  I also finally got a new bbq grill too and it's been in the garage since we bought it.

I don't know what else is happening.  So, I'll end it here and if I think of anything else I'll write more (or call!).

luv u,


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