Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weekly Email

Hi Mom (and Dad)
Once again I've left this 'til late and I'm running out of steam on a
Sunday night. So this will be short and sweet.
I watched the Broncos get pummeled yesterday. Oh well, it was a good
season. Earlier in the day I watched the Tigers beat Texas. That was
fun. We watched the movies Red w/Bruce Willis on Friday and Zookeeper
w/Kevin James tonight - both were pretty good. Theresa is watching
Downton Abbey Season 2 on PBS right now. She really enjoys it - don't
know if you've seen it.
I played at church this morning and Theresa worked. So, we were a
little disjointed. Chloe dropped Megan off for first service and then
drove herself back for second service. Megan walked home. Chloe has
been finding any excuse to drive everywhere. Basketball games,
lunches, friends houses etc.
We had fun at Bring It On The Musical. It wasn't very 'deep' but it
was up beat and positive and the girls really enjoyed it. We didn't
home and in bed until midnight on Wednesday - too late for me.
Other than that it was a normal busy week. BSF in Monday, I actually
hung out with a friend on Tuesday night instead of Theresa going to
girls night out, Wednesday was the musical, and music practice on
Thursday. Megan is going strong in Fiddler on the Roof - she told me
she has a solo as a Russian girl in one of the songs.
I got the part for the garage and it did the trick. Yeah! $30 and
we're back in business.
We are scheduled to return electric blue on Tuesday morning. It sure
has been nice having and I will be sad to see it go. With Chloe,
driving it's been nice to have 3 cars. I imagine at some point we'll
have to figure out something for her. Although I added her to our
insurance of an extra $800/year (compared to $1,200/year for BOTH
Theresa and I).
Well that's about it for now.
Luv u,

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