Happy Memorial Day!
I ran the Bolder Boulder again this morning with 56,000 of my closest friends. They slightly modified the course this year. I think it was a little bit harder. But I still managed to do it in 40min25sec. I was shooting for under 40 minutes so I wasn't that far off. Post-race I've been pretty mellow just lying around a bit and napping :-)
Theresa, on the other hand, has been a whirl wind of activity today. Finishing up laundry, vacuuming, cleaning, taking out trash.... I'm worn out just watching her.
She talked to her dad today - fresh back from the 100th Indy 500. He and his brother drove out for the weekend to watch the race. I think Chris has been going for over 50 years. Sounds like it was an exciting finish to the race. Rookie crashed on the last lap to lose it.
We've watched a couple of Netflix movies this week. "Love and Other Drugs" with Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal - it turned out interesting in the end. She was suffereing from parkinson's disease and he fell in love with her. The was "Conviction" with Hillary Swank. That was pretty interesting too. She became a lawyer to defend her brother who was convicted of a murder he didn't commit. He spent 18 years in prison until DNA evidence could exonerate him.
Last day of school last week. Plenty of sleep overs and parties to celebrate. Megan went to see Bruno Mars last night at the 1st Bank Center in Broomfield with Clara (more of a birthday party).
Another weekend, another trip to Urgent Care. Chloe's sleepover resulted in a crash and burn into the concrete. She made it through the night. But it was pretty bloody and oozing plus she couldn't bend it. So, on Saturday Theresa ran her over to wait for 2hours. Nothing broken - just badly bruised. And dirty, so they gave it a good cleaning to prevent infection.
We helped our friends the Brittons clean up after their fund raising garage sale on Friday. Aaron had surgery on his shoulder (torn labrum playing pickup b-ball) so he couldn't lift to put things away. They are adopting their second child this time - an 8yr old girl from Uganda. Their first adopted child, Malachi, is from Ethiopia. This is to add to the 3 biological children they already have :-) Afterwards they all came over to our house for chicken kabobs on the grill, playing in the hot tub, jumping on the trampoline and just hanging out. It was fun.
I played yesterday at church. I always enjoy that. Tom is preaching a good series called Out of the Ashes. It's been good. They are closing on the land we bought in Erie on the 9th of June.
I took last Friday off and with today being a holiday it's been a nice long weekend. Back to work tomorrow. Good thing it will be a short week :-)
Jeff Sherard
303-444-7274 (h)
303-817-2736 (m)
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