Weekend is coming to an end. We've had nacho dinner and are now watching The Grammys. So far it's pretty good. Nothing too weird - Lady Gaga maybe.
Last night the girls and I went to a Father Daughter Valentines dance at First Pres with Chris, Clara and Emma Leitz. We had a great time and went to Applebees afterward for dinner. Theresa went to Noodles&Company with Marlys and then had a quiet night at home.
Last week was a little quieter. Just the normal BSF Monday, Chloe was sick and out of school Monday and Tuesday. Theresa working at the church Monday, and Sports Solution Tuesday and Thursday. In home brunch at our house for Theresa's W2W group on Wednesday. Megan play practice on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Just the normal routine :-)
We did have snow earlier in the week. But 60+ temperatures today - so most of the snow is melted.
Chloe had a birthday party sleepover for Ashley Lankford's sweet 16. They took a limo down to Denver and had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe.
I did our 2010 Taxes on Saturday. Nice to have that out of the way. And I got a nice fat refund, so even better.
I don't know what else to report on so I'll keep it short and sweet.
luv u,
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