Monday, March 22, 2010

Cancun bound

Ben and Jerry's - DFW

Ben and Jerry's - DFW

Ben and Jerry's - DFW

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekly Email

Hi Mom,

Weird weather here today. It's been mostly raining all day. But definitely gray and dreary. A nice day to cozy in.

After first service this morning, Theresa and Megan ran over to Target to return some items. I was playing on the worship team so I had to stay for the second service and Chloe was there for the high school class. We all met back home at about 12:30 and had a quick bite of lunch. Then it was off to our separate corners for homework.

Theresa is working on her 'story' to tell next Wednesday and W2W. Chloe was studying for a spanish quiz tomorrow. Megan had some reading to do. And I had to write 3 annual performance appraisals due first thing tomorrow. We were all hunkered down until about 5pm.

We made a quick run to Safeway to get a few fixins for dinner tonight. It's a mixed bag - popcorn for Megan and Theresa, nachos for Chloe and sushi for me. We need to relax a bit, probably watch a couple episodes of Chuck, and just get ready for the week.

I did a quick check on the NCAA bracket. Kansas could have a good run to the final. I don't think Missouri will win too many games - maybe one (if they are lucky). The Big 12 could be pretty strong this year. I'm liking KU, K-State, Baylor and Oklahoma St. to go a long way. West Virginia is my surprise team to make a run for it.

Mary Poppins was great on Friday night. The staging was AMAZING. So many neat special effects and tricks that really enhanced the show. At the end, Mary Poppins flew all the way out into the audience and even up towards us in the balcony - all the way to a blocked off box with black curtains that she disappeared behind. The girls really enjoyed it. We pulled a little bit of a Granny Carolie. Our seats were on the side and the whole middle section of the balcony was open and even a few rows closer - so we moved over just before the show started. If we were really brave we probably could have even moved downstairs - it wasn't that full.

Dotsero has really been hurting lately. It seems like both back legs are bothering him now. He can hardly get around. I weighed him yesterday. He's at 69lbs. The vet wants him to be 60-64lbs. We are sticking with the glucosamine and aspirin and cutting back his food by 10%. But because he can't walk as well he's not getting much exercise. Oh dear. I don't know what to do next for him.

I don't know what else to report :-) We got your letter in the mail this week with the diaper pin, patty o'furniture and news clippings. We haven't watched the Hurt Locker yet - but we have it queued up when ever we can find the time. I thought Dad had already seen it several months ago.

That's all for now. Trying to cram too much into one day.

luv u,


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mary Poppins at the Beull Theater

Mary Poppins at the Beull Theater

Mary Poppins at the Beull Theater

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekly Email

Hi Mom,

Good morning! Just a quick 5 minute email because I forgot to write last night. Maybe I'll catch up later in the week.

We watched the Oscars from start to finish last night. Red Carpet and all. We had great nachos for dinner and ice cream treats later and just made it a big pajama party. I was a little surprised Avatar didn't win best picture. But thought everything else was right on. I like Sandra Bullock. Glad to see Jeff Bridges finally get one too. I haven't seen a lot of the movies yet. I have The Hurt Locker on my iPod. We will watch it soon. I'm not too sure if I'd enjoy Inglorious Basterds. I think Crazy Heart looks pretty decent. Theresa has seen Precious - but I have not yet.

We also took some saved up Christmas money and booked tickets to see Mary Poppins, the musical this coming Friday. Should be fun. It gives us something to look forward to this week.

Then the week after next we are on our way to Cancun. We are all looking forward to that! Especially since it might snow here a bit this week - again :-( I thought I saw you were supposed to be cool and rainy today.

Missouri sure got beat up by KU on Saturday. All of my yelling at the TV didn't help the Tigers out a bit. Megan had to come down and check on me and make sure everything was okay. Looks like Arizona has had some really great wins lately.

Well that's it for now. I'm off to swim.

luv u,


Oscar night

Appropriate attire required.

Oscar night

Appropriate attire required.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Weekly Update

Hi Mom,

I completely forgot to write this weekend. Not that we had anything too much going on.

Megan finished up Beauty and the Beast on Thursday night and had a cast party afterwards that went until 11pm. Friday the girls were off school so they slept in. Saturday night Whitney slept over.

Sunday I watched District 9 on DVD and fast forwded through the Canada vs. USA hockey game. District 9 was kinda weird and the hocky game was very exciting. Too bad the USA couldn't pull it out. We all watched Michael Jackson's This Is It on Sunday night and had homemade pizza for dinner.

Sorry - but gotta keep it short and sweet tonight.

Luv u,
