Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Heart Of The Matter

The Heart Of The Matter
November 18, 2007
Pastor Tom Shirk

"And calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, "Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on." -- Mark 12:43,44

What does sacrificial giving look like?

- Mark 12:41-44
- 1 Chronicles 21
- 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
According to their ability
Beyond their ability

What does sacrificial giving require?
1. The conviction that everything belongs to God.
2. The faith that God will supply all my needs from his unlimited resources.
3. The hope of losing something temporal to gain something eternal.
4. The offering of my life to God FIRST!

The Heart Of The Matter

The Heart Of The Matter
November 18, 2007
Pastor Tom Shirk

"And calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, "Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on." -- Mark 12:43,44

What does sacrificial giving look like?

- Mark 12:41-44
- 1 Chronicles 21
- 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
According to their ability
Beyond their ability

What does sacrificial giving require?
1. The conviction that everything belongs to God.
2. The faith that God will supply all my needs from his unlimited resources.
3. The hope of losing something temporal to gain something eternal.
4. The offering of my life to God FIRST!

The Heart Of The Matter

The Heart Of The Matter
November 18, 2007
Pastor Tom Shirk

"And calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, "Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on." -- Mark 12:43,44

What does sacrificial giving look like?

- Mark 12:41-44
- 1 Chronicles 21
- 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
According to their ability
Beyond their ability

What does sacrificial giving require?
1. The conviction that everything belongs to God.
2. The faith that God will supply all my needs from his unlimited resources.
3. The hope of losing something temporal to gain something eternal.
4. The offering of my life to God FIRST!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Urban Legends - What We Think We Know

Urban Legends - What We Think We Know
Originally uploaded by jeff103us

An Omni Shepherd
For Our Omni Needs

Adrian Boykin
September 9, 2007

There is a universal human longing for an Omni shepherd who is worthy of our trust.

Omni = all encompassing or complete

We have an Omni Shepherd who meets our Omni Needs.

2 Samuel 15 - David flees from Absalom

Brendan Manning - "We need to develop a habit of Holy Loitering."

Practices to cultivate a relationship with God:

Move it from your head to your heart.

A.W. Tozier - "The most important thing about us is what we think about God"

For Your Life Group:
1. Do you have a favorite Psalm? If so, which one and why?
2. Why do you think Psalm 23 occurs so frequently in popular culture?
3. Re-read 2 Samuel 15 with special emphasis on vv. 1-6, 12-14, and 25-30. Summarize David's "Omni Need" in your own words.
4. In your life right now, is there an all-empowering "Omni Need" that is dictating your thoughts? If so, talk about the Good Shepherd's character, and how you can lean into Him for strength or protection this week.
5. Pray over those needs for one another.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Heart Of The Matter

The Heart Of The Matter
November 4, 2007
Pastor Tom Shirk

"Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully." 2 Corinthians 9:6

Examples of Generosity
- Exodus 35 & 36
- 1 Chronicles 29
- Mark 14
- Matthew 28

Impact of Generous Giving
- You will be given more
- God will be glorified
- Many others will give thanks to God

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Chloe Soccer

Nova Stayer (0) vs. Platte Valley Predators (0)

Tough Game! Both sides played hard. The Predators probably had more chances and had the advantage early on. Our girls finished strong and the momentum really swung our way at the end. But a draw was a great result against this team.

5-1-1 24 5

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Heart Of The Matter

The Heart Of The Matter

October 28, 2007
Pastor Tom Shirk

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

1 Timothy 6:6-10
want, love, longing

Contentment or Coveteousness

Luke 12:15

Philippians 4:10-13

Hebrews 13:5,6

1. God is the source and the owner of everything.
2. Life does not consist of money and stuff.
3. Letting stuff go develops our love for God.

Kingdom Assignment
Nov. 18
Sell a possession of more than $100.
Goal $500K

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Chloe Soccer

Edge Mclaren (0) vs. Nova Stayer (3)

5-1-0 24 5

Meghan scored the first goal and Erin scored the second two!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Chloe Soccer

Nova Stayer (4) vs. BC Force Switzerland (0)
4-1-0 21 5
Nice way for the girls to rebound after last week. Mariko scored the first goal, Erin had the second and Cat closed out with final two. Chloe had one good shot on goal that just missed to the right.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Urban Legends - What We Think We Know

Urban Legends
What We Think We Know

My Faith Is A Private Matter
Pastor Tom Shirk
October 14, 2007

"Through [Jesus Christ our Lord] we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles, for His name's sake." - Romans 1:5

1. Saving faith is obedient faith.
2. Obedient faith is God exalting.
3. Obedient faith is observable.
4. Obedient faith is experienced in community.
5. Obedient faith is contagious.

For Your LifeGroup:
1. Can you relate to the temptation to compartmentalize your faith? Explain. Which compartment of your life is the most challenging for you to integrate with your faith?
2. Why is there such a strong move in our culture to silence faith's expressions?
3. Take a look at these verses and explain how they relate to this week's message: Colossians 3:17; 1 Corinthians 10:31.
4. Read 2 Timothy 1:8-18. What are the reasons Paul gives to Timothy to not be ashamed of standing strong in his faith?
5. According to Matthew 5:16, how can your faith be seen by others? What can you do this week to glorify our Father in heaven?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Chloe Soccer

Nova Chaos (0) vs. Nova Pinkham (3)
3-1-0 17 5

The girls were short handed this week. They only had 10 players to start with no subs. Yuki (9 yr. old) came into the game late to at least level the sides. All the girls fought valiantly and Bethan was great in the goal in the second half. They tired a little in the end. But a good effort nonetheless.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Urban Legends - What We Think We Know

People Who Die are Finally at Rest
Pastor Tom Shirk
October 7, 2007

Luke 12:29,30

"Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it."
Matthew 7:13,14

Luke 16:9

"Heaven " by Randy Alcorn

Rev. 14:13 - glimpse of Heaven
O we will rest
O we will work
O we will rule
O we will learn
O we will worship

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Urban Legends - What We Think We Know

Urban Legends
What We Think We Know

"The American Dream Is The Christian Dream"

Pastor Tom Shirk
September 30, 2007

"And do not seek what you shall eat, and what you shall drink, and do not keep worrying. For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek; but your Father knows that you need these things." -- Luke 12:29,30

What is the American Dream?
- Home ownership
- Financial security
- Material possessions

The American dream was once an attainment to pursue; it is now an entitlement to be received.

The American Dream has always required tremendous energy but has never delivered soul-satisfaction.

The American Dream is American, but not Christian.

Luke 12:29,30 - Three things about God...
- We seek a Kingdom, where God Rules
- We follow a Shepherd who provides for our needs
- We obey a Father who knows best and gives the best

Practical Applications:

Sell your possessions... Take something and sell it and give it away.

Understand how brief our life is.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Chloe Soccer

Nova Stayer (7) vs. Broomfield Blockers (1)

3-0-0 17 2


Heidi (x2)
Cat (x2)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Halloween Store

Theresa was out of town at the Women Of Faith conference for the weeked. The girls were off o school onf Frida So, they got to spend the day at work with me. :-)

We were at the office from 9am 'til 6pm. The girls were great. They played school (go figure), drew on the white boards, surfed the web, went to lab with me and just generally hung out while I went to a couple of meetings.

As a break we went to lunch at the mall and stopped into the halloween store.

Scarey pictures.


Well, Theresa was away for the weekend for the Women of Faith conference. But, the girls were off school and were my breakfast buddies this Friday.

We ate at IHOP. A good, solid, basic, all-american breakfast place. The manager at the Boulder IHOP is super attentive and friendly - always checking in on all the customers. The servers are also amazing - they take your order in their heads, memorizing everything and always getting it right.

Megan had the chocolate chip smiley face pancake from the kid's menu. Chloe had biscuits and gravy. And, I had the breakfast sampler with scrambled eggs, ham, sausage, bacon and pancakes.

The total bill including tip for the 3 of us was #31.02.

I'd considered it medium priced and above average food. It's consistent if nothing else. You always know what you are going to get in terms of food selection, quality, service and price range.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

iTunes iMix

Urban Legends - What We Think We Know

Urban Legends: What we think we know
Pastor Tom Shirk
September 16, 2007

"God helps those who help themselves"
Ben Franklin

1. God helps the helpless.
Isa. 25:4
Rom. 5:6,8
Eph. 2:8,9

2. God helps those who help the helpless.
Prov. 19:17
Prov. 21:13
Matt. 10:40

3. God helps those who humbly follow him.
1 Pet. 5:5,6

Come 5 minutes earlier
Give generously
Serve (Worship, Learn, Serve)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Chloe Soccer

Nova Stayer (3) vs. NASA Mustangs (1)
2-0-0 10 1
Chloe scored a goal! Erin Houlihan had the other 2.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Originally uploaded by jeff103us

Three weeks in a row... Three different breakfast spots.

This week it was Turley's - a Boulder kind of place. Seems like they fancy themselves a bit healthier, organic option.

The breakfast menu was full of good choices. Ironically Theresa and both chose prett much the same thing. A #1 breakfast - two scrambled eggs, three turkey sausages, hashbrowns, and I had toast while Theresa choose the pumpkin muffin (which she wrapped up and took with her). Topped up with decaf coffee and water.

The service was good, friendly, and just the right degree of attentiveness. It did seem like it took a little while longer for our food to arrive than at some of the other restaurants. The hashbrowns weren't quite as crispy as I like them. AND! I'm definitely not a fan of turkey sausage patties - they were nasty - had real gamey aftertaste. I couldn't eat them - left two behind on my plate. The only other comment was that I asked for 'no butter' on my toast and it arrived with butter.

But all in all a pretty good place. The best part is just having breakfast with Theresa. Everything else is just secondary.

The total bill with tip was $25.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Urban Legends - What We Think We Know

An Omni Shepherd
For Our Omni Needs
Psalm 23

Adrian Boykin
September 9, 2007

There is a universal human longing for an Omni shepherd who is worthy of
our trust.

Omni = all encompassing or complete

We have an Omni Shepherd who meets our Omni Needs.

2 Samuel 15 - David flees from Absalom

Brennan Manning - "We need to develop a habit of Holy Loitering."

Practices to cultivate a relationship with God:

Move it from your head to your heart.

A.W. Tozer - "The most important thing about us is what we think about

For Your Life Group:
1. Do you have a favorite Psalm? If so, which one and why?
2. Why do you think Psalm 23 occurs so frequently in popular culture?
3. Re-read 2 Samuel 15 with special emphasis on vv. 1-6, 12-14, and
25-30. Summarize David's "Omni Need" in your own words.
4. In your life right now, is there an all-empowering "Omni Need" that
is dictating your thoughts? If so, talk about the Good Shepherd's
character, and how you can lean into Him for strength or protection this
5. Pray over those needs for one another.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

North Boulder Cafe

Originally uploaded by jeff103us

Another Friday, another breakfast :-) Friday breakfast is probably one of the best parts of my week. With two young kids it's hard to have regular date night. So, after the kids are off to school we can just sneak off to breakfast and have some quality together time.

This week was the North Boulder Cafe located at •4479 Broadway. Basic diner stuff. It was seat yourself. The wait staff was friendly if not a little eclectic :-) Theresa had the two egg breakfast scrambled with bacon, hash browns and toast. I had eggs benedict overeasy with avocado and a delicious hollandaise sauce. Top it off with fresh coffee and we were good to go.

The total bill was $22 for both of us with tip.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Chloe Soccer

BC Force Switzerland (0) vs. Nova Stayer (7)

1-0-0 7 0

Chloe had a goal called back because of an off-sides call.

Cat had 3 goals, Megan had 1, Bethan 1 and ??

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Unknown God

The Unknown God
Originally uploaded by jeff103us

Knowing God and Making Him Known
Pastor Tom Shirk
September 2, 2007

Acts 17:24; 25

Seven Attributes of the "Unknown God"

1. Creator
2. Omnipresent
3. Self-sufficient
4. Sustainer of life
5. Sovereign
6. Revealer
Message: Repent
7. Judge

Three Repsonses

1. Rejection
2. Investigation
3. Acceptance


Friday, August 31, 2007

Original Pancake House

Friday breakfasts with my wife....

We started out a couple of years ago to eat breakfast together on Fridays after the girls were off to school. We tried to go to a different breakfast spot every Friday. Two years on now - I can't remember all the place we've been. So, I decided to start capturing them in my blog.

Today we went to the Original Pancake House. Overall impression was good. Quick to be seated, not too crowded, wait staff was prompt and attentive, menu selection was comprehensive (with a focus on pancakes :-) - all in all it was good.

Theresa had a half-order of pecan pancakes with the special hot tropical syrup. Her only comment was that she wished the pecans were mixed in the batter and cooked instead of sprinkled on top. I had the banana pancakes - with bananas cooked in. It was a full portion and quite large. Very good.

The total bill with tip was around $22 - medium priced.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Watch for it, Opportunity is Coming

Making an Impact
Pastor Ron Bloom
August 19, 2007

"Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19

When did you receive Christ?

Do you desire to be obedient to the Lord by celebrating what He has done for you, sharing it with others, and inviting them to experience the very same thing?

Yes or No

To make an impact we need:

Nehemiah 1

1. Seek out the opportunity.

2. Prepare for the opportunity.

3. Respond to the opportunity.

4. Celebrate the opportunity.

5. Follow-up with person who was once the opportunity.

LifeGroup Questions:
1. What opportunities do you have right now to share the Good News?
2. What strategies do you think would work best?
3. How will you prepare?
4. Who will you hold accountable?
5. How will you celebrate?
6. Discuss missed opportunities and what you would do differently now.

Friday, August 17, 2007

First Day Of School

Chloe headed off to Centennial Middle School for the first day of school. Bus came at 8:17 sharp and she'll be home at 3:55 - long day.

Chloe was excited to go. I think we'll all be glad to be back in the routine. But, I'm sure that once homework, and projects, and tests, and grades get loaded on it'll become less exciting.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Alpine Slide

Fun day out in Steamboat Springs - alpine slide at Howelsen Hill.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Originally uploaded by jeff103us

MAKING AN impact

MAKING AN impact
Originally uploaded by jeff103us

Micah 6:8
Adrian Boykin

1. The infectious worshiper remembers God's provision.
2. The infectious worshiper acts justly and loves mercy - Matthew 23:23

Practical considerations for acting justly and loving mercy:
  • Simplify
  • Tithe
  • Pray
  • Invest in one mission
Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." Mahatma Gandhi

3. The infectious worshiper walks humbly before God.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Carter Lake Bike Ride

Great ride to Carter Lake with Andrew and Andy - about 65 miles. Check out the heart rate! On the way back we were taking turns pulling and you can see when it was my turn. I was struggling to hold on! Those guys are fast :-)

Bike Ride

It's 4:45am and I'm waking up to head out for a bike ride this morning with Andy and Andrew. I'm a little sluggish. But heck - who wouldn't be - it's 4:45am.

We are going to ride up to Carter lake. Should be around 60 miles and 3 to 3 1/2 hours.

I'll try to post some video and pictures along with the MotionBased track later.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Turn Me Tender

"And laments have a purpose and laments have a cost
A requim playing gathers the lost
It sometimes tastes sour the sweetness of hope
When the blizzards are raging on this lovers slope
Yet I don't want to freeze inside or out
For it's you that disolves the cold walls of doubt.

So turn me tender again
Fold me into you
Turn me tender again
And mould me to new
Faith lost it's promise
And bruised me deep blue
Turn me tender again
Through union with you."
(Martyn Joseph)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Shawnee Mission Triathlon

Shawnee Mission Triathlon,
originally uploaded by jeff103us.
Participated in the Shawnee Mission Triathlon this morning.

Got up at 4am and headed out around 4:30. Arrived and parked around 5:30. Rode my bike down to transition and set up. Warmed up with a run and a loop around the bike course.

First wave went off at 7am. Great swim course with bouys all along a rectangle on your right. Easy to follow. The bike course was tough. Four laps around a very hilly course. The run went out through some well shaded open space.

I finished strong with two guys on each elbow. Waited 'til the last 100 yards and out kicked them both by around 3 and 5 seconds to grab 5th place overall.

Really well run race. Quite enjoyable.

Got back to Steve's house around 11:15 and quickly showered and packed. We left at noon and have been at it ever since. 5 hours of driving so far. I think we'll make it home tonight. Maybe 4 hours left to go.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Errand Day

Errand Day
Errand Day,
originally uploaded by jeff103us.
Did a bunch of errands yesterday.

Day off from training. Slept in. Went with Dad and Steve to get the jet ski fixed, picked up my packet for the Shawnee Mission Triathlon, shopped at the new Bass Pro Shop in Olathe and swung by the Cabellas shop on the way home.

Watched a bit of Wimbledon and napped in the afternoon.

Headed over to legends to meet up with Ken and pick up my bicycle pump. They were headed to the TBones baseball game. Dad and I went to Panera Bread to check out his new wireless card - works great.

Met up with the girls for dinner at Stix. Steve and I had lotsa lotsa sushi. We were all stuffed.

Back home to hang out, ride the ATV, eat some ice cream and watched Love Wrecked starring Amanda Bynes.

Mom and dad left early this morning. I went for a nice 27 mile bike ride and now am watching the prologue of the Tour de France in London.

Not sure what we were up to the rest of the day.

Shawnee Mission Triathlon tomorrow. Start time 7am. We'll probably start heading home tomorrow afternoon.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Day At The Lake

Day At The Lake
Day At The Lake,
originally uploaded by jeff103us.
Today @ Perry Lake!

We had a great day at the lake. Spent the day boating, floating, jet skiing and having fun.

Drew & Kristin had their boats out. Steve brought out the jet ski.

Drew, Pam and Blake. Stu and Carolie. Lana and Dell. Jeff, Theresa, Chloe and Megan. Steve, Julie, Alex and Stevie. Kristin, Angie, Randi, Cade, and Holden. Wendy and Taylor. Lance.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Lazy Days

Lazy Days
Lazy Days,
originally uploaded by jeff103us.
Pretty laid back day...

Started out with a mellow run along the Little Blue Trace with Dots - 6.2 miles. The girls went to have their nails done and Ken and I napped and watched lots of rain at Wimbledon.

Zip burgers for lunch. YUMMY :-)

Went for a short bike ride tonight just before dinner. Tacos and enchiladas for dinner. The girls and I baked sugar cookies.

And now it's Charlotte's Web for movie night.

Powell Gardens

Powell Gardens
Powell Gardens,
originally uploaded by jeff103us.
A day at Powell Gardens with Ken & Mona. We had a great time exploring the gardens and searching out dinosaurs. They had a display of life size dinosaur statues throughout the gardens. The girls were kept entertained running from one to the next. Very clever idea!

We brought a picnic lunch and enjoyed the food out of doors in the shade.

In the evening Chloe, Megan and I went to the YMCA for a swim in the evening.

Hey - last night we watched Borat. It was TERRIBLE!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Missouri Bike Ride

Missouri Bike Ride
Missouri Bike Ride,
originally uploaded by jeff103us.
Great 55 mile bike ride from Independence to Levasy. Had to turn around because the water was over the road. Lots of rain the last few days. Crazy flooding!

I'll post the MotionBased track later.

MotionBased Track

(ran in the morning too - Independence High School)

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Travelling to KS

Travelling to KS
Travelling to KS,
originally uploaded by jeff103us.
On the road to Missouri and Kansas!

Drove 4 hrs last night to Colby, KS - the oasis on the plains. Had dinnerat the Subway in Limon, CO on the way out. Spent the night in the Comfort Inn and enjoyed the 24 hr. pool & hot tub,wireless internet and the great breakfast buffet in the morning.

We hit the road at around 9am this morning. The girls are watching a movie, Dots is sleeping and is being a good traveller, Theresa is driving and I'm blogging.